City of Montrose


2024 Water/Sewer Information

Frequently Asked Questions

 Where does my water come from?

Montrose receives its water from the Karegnondi Water Authority pipeline that comes from Lake Huron to the Oregon Township facility where its treated and pumped to homes and businesses in Genesee County.


How does Montrose ensure the quality of the water?

The City staff regularly tests the water. The City also completes an annual consumer confidence report. Click here for the 2022 CCR.


How is my water bill calculated?

Water and sewer usage is measured in gallons. Water meter are read electronically by our utility billing program each month to determine actual usage.

Water is billed at a flat $34.25 “ready to serve” fee per billing plus .00758 per 1,000 gallons. The cost of 1,000 gallons of water usage is $7.58.

Sewer is billed at a flat $28.75 “ready to serve” fee per billing plus .00300 per 1,000 gallons. The cost of 1,000 gallons of sewer usage is $3.60.


Is there a penalty for late payment?

Payments made after the due date are assessed a 10% penalty.


Why was my service shut off and how can I get it restored?

Customers who are at least two months past due will receive a “red” shutoff notice.

The shut off date is normally the 8th day of the month but it can fluctuate.

The minimum payment indicated on the bill must be received in the city office by 5 p.m. the day before the shut off date.

To restore service the account must be paid in full including off/on fees.                                                                                                        

About Utilities

Christine Schultz is the utilities billing clerk for the city. She is responsible for water/sewer utility billing, including calculation of bills, preparation of prebilling estimates, printing and mailing all utility bills and running and distributing post-billing reports. She also creates new utility accounts and sets up billing records in computer and in files, handles complaints and answers customer questions on utility billing and a variety of city services. She is a graduate of Ferris State University- Go Bulldogs. If you have any question regarding billing, permits, or city services please feel free to contact her.

Contact information is listed below:


The “Readiness to Serve Charge” (RTS) is a common fee assessed by municipal utilities to cover basic fixed costs associated with providing on-demand water service throughout the system. RTS is specifically allocated to cover a percentage of the costs of maintaining and operating your water system even when no water is being used. This is a system wide connection charge that applies even if you used no water during the billing period.

Go Paperless

Fill out the form below and we will send your next bill to your email address. Please be sure to check your junk or spam email folder. If you need to update your email please call or stop by the city office